The website Malvi.net uses cookies, also of third party, to improve your experience and to offer services in line with your preferences.
By closing this banner or clicking on any element thereof, you provide your consent to the use of the cookies.

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Cookies Policy

This site www.malvi.net uses cookies that are small files that a site sends to the browser and which are saved on the device of the user visiting a web site. All the cookies, different from the technical ones, are installed or activated only thanks to the agreement of the user after the first access. The site will take notice of this in the following accesses. However, users have the right to block the consensus completely or partially whenever they want.

Cookies, also from third party, are used to make the site functional or to enhance performance, to provide information to site owners, to profile advertising, to be shared on the social networks, to track the experience of the users on the net (customs, choices…).


Technical Cookies, essential for the correct functioning of the website and to provide the service offered and requested by a user. The users are not asked to give their agreement for this kind of cookies.

Profiling Cookies, used to create user profiles based on personal choices and preferences, in order to send advertisments in line with the profile created. These details are not related to a single user because the user cannot be identified following these data. The users will be informed about this gathered information when they will register on a website to use a particular service.

Third-party Cookies:
Visiting a website, you may receive cookies from sites managed by other organizations ("Third Party"). This kind of cookie connects to the browser installed on the computer or on other devices used by the user during navigation on the Site. Every browser permits to block the third-party cookies.

Cookies used by the site

Source of the cookie



Google Analytics

Third Party cookies

Profiling Cookies (no technical): Google Analytics uses cookies to create statistical analyses of users’ browsing practices on the site. The Data controller treats the results of such analyses anonymously and solely for statistical purposes and only when the service provider users cookies in connection with the browser installed on the computer or on other devices used by the user to navigate on the Site. Browsers cannot share the cookies among them. Google Anlytics does not share the IP addresses of the users.

How to disable cookies

The main browsers on the market (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari etc.) are configured to accept cookies. Nonetheless, the majority of browsers also allow you to control and disable cookies via the browser settings. Disabling navigation or functional cookies may cause the Site to malfunction and/or restrict the services offered there.

Links are provided below to web pages containing information and forms to block the cookies.

• Internet Explorer: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/278835

• Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=it-it

• Safari: https://support.apple.com/it-it/HT201265

• Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/it/kb/Attivare%20e%20disattivare%20i%20cookie

• Blackberry: http://docs.blackberry.com/en/smartphone_users/deliverables/32004/Turn_off_cookies_in_the_browser_60_1072866_11.jsp

• Android: http://support.google.com/mobile/bin/answer.py?hl=it&answer=169022

• Opera: http://www.opera.com/help/tutorials/security/cookies/